Friday, May 15, 2020

Personal Narrative My Life - 885 Words

Personal Narrative Have you ever had something happen to you that changed your life forever? Something that you will never forget. It’s something that makes you who you are whether it is good or bad to makes you special. I know it’s hard to believe that one event could change your whole life but I promise you it can. A major life changing event happened to me on July 20th, 2011. This is the day that my youngest sister Carly was born. On this day my whole life was changed and it will never be the same again. July 20th I said good bye to my old self and started taking steps to become the person that I am today. My whole story started the day my mother told me that I was going to have another sibling. The day that my mother told me was a day that changed my life forever. I was in shock and I couldn’t believe I was going to be a big sister again. There was so many emotions going through my mind. I didn’t know how to react to the news. The main emotion I was fe eling was anger, I wasn’t happy about having another sibling. But the closer it got to Carly’s do date my emotions started to change and I became very excite and looking forward to this new chapter of my life. I was ready to see what my future had instore for me with this amazing little girl that was about to come into my life. The day of July 20th,2011 was the day that my life changed forever. It is the day that my youngest sister Carly came into this world. I remember it like it was just yesterday. The day beforeShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative Of My Life956 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Narrative Life has always been the opposite of predictable. Twists and turns are abundant during a person’s time on this earth. It has often been compared to a rollercoaster, and I believe that there is validity in that. At one point, when it seems like the ride can only continue in the upwards direction, it goes spiraling down faster than one can register. In that moment, it seems as though every good thing in one’s life comes crashing down in a domino-like fashion. Each great piece ofRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life1098 Words   |  5 Pages Personal Narrative There stood the school that I would go to for the next three years of my life. From what I could see on the map, the school was prodigious.There were two-story buildings around me, and I stood by one. I felt like a mouse compared to the vast school. Cool air brushed against my face as I analyzed the school.I was standing near eight planters, with my schedule and a school map in my hand.Up ahead of me, I could see cars passing by, dropping kids off to school.A lot of studentsRead MorePersonal Narrative Of My Life961 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Narrative One day in mid-November, I thought that one of the worst days in my life had come. I walked into my parent’s room, and I found my mother rushing to gather things to go somewhere. Curiously, I asked my mom where she was going, and why she was in such a rush. My mom said, â€Å"Julia was in a bad car accident on the way home from school and is headed to the hospital. I’m going up there to see if there is anything I can do to help.† Immediately many questions came to my mind, but I knewRead MorePersonal Narrative In My Life1322 Words   |  6 PagesPersonal Narrative   Ã‚  Ã‚   Where do we go when we have nothing on our minds? Where do we go when we go quiet? I can not be the one to tell you. My mind is always focused on the next and can never stay put. My mind is like Hong Kong (most densely populated place on Earth) during a rush hour. It’s a room full of commotion and noise that can’t find the escape door. It’s fun at times, but unbearable when all you want to do is shut yourself out from the world and relax. I can’t pay attention in my classesRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1261 Words   |  6 PagesThis will be a long personal narrative about my current stressful life. Before, I came down to the University of Georgia to work with the football team my life back in East Lansing, Michigan was quite peaceful. However, I will admit I was still overly stressed with the endless amount of coursework I had, but I still had time to relax or had time to be bored and question what I should do with my time. Now tak ing all of my credits online and working 12-15 hour days, then traveling to the games on SaturdayRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1530 Words   |  7 PagesMy Personal Narrative   Ã‚  Ã‚   One event from my life that I always remember is when I was first starting school. I was wearing a Bright Blue Basketball Shirt and a pair of Bright Blue Basketball Shorts. I woke up very early that day. When my sisters finally woke up they got ready and we went outside to wait for the bus. When the bus came my mom wanted to get pictures of us. So when we arrived at school I went to class. I was extremely nervous but when my teacher told us her name I laughed. She told usRead MoreMy Personal Narrative Of My Life1286 Words   |  6 PagesMy personal Narrative The date was October 8, 2014, 2 days after my birthday. One of the realest quotes I heard was â€Å"Don’t trust a soul† and i should have listened. It started out as any other day, mom was mad me for one reason or another, dad was sitting on the couch like always playing the â€Å"Call of Duty†. I was a Saturday so of course I tried to sleep in but my dad love playing his game with the sound on high it really out under my skin. Think about it you re sleeping in your bed and all of aRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life And Life2126 Words   |  9 Pagessit in my back yard looking at the fireworks, my brothers and sister all outside with me were having fun. It had me thinking about my life and thinking why I couldn’t be happy and why my parents couldn’t just be there for me when I needed them the most†¦things were about to get very bad and hard for me. I can just feel my life is about to go through a downfall and I just wonder will I be able to get through it. To being with, the first time is when I was only 14 years old I had gone to my friend’sRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Life And Life2126 Words   |  9 Pagessit in my back yard looking at the fireworks, my brothers and sister all outside with me were having fun. It had me thinking about my life and thinking why I couldn’t be happy and why my parents couldn’t just be there for me when I needed them the most†¦things were about to get very bad and hard for me. I can just feel my life is about to go through a downfall and I just wonder will I be able to get through it. To being with, the first time is when I was only 14 years old I had gone to my friend’sRead MorePersonal Narrative My Life Essay578 Words   |  3 PagesPersonal Narrative My Life I never really thought about where my life was going. I always believed life took me where I wanted to go, I never thought that I was the one who took myself were I wanted to go. Once I entered high school I changed the way I thought. This is why I chose to go to college. I believe that college will give me the keys to unlock the doors of life. This way I can choose for myself where I go instead of someone choosing for me. I have chosen to go to the local community

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